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where dreams become reality

Showcasing the newest experiences & creative advancements through interactive events.

Racing Simulation

Exceed human potential

Cbeyond is the premier destination for all your technology and gaming needs. We offer a variety of events that showcase the latest and greatest in technology and gaming. Our events are designed to be accessible to all ages and provide a fun, interactive experience.


From virtual reality to the latest gaming consoles, we've got something for everyone. Come join us and experience the excitement and fun of the latest in gaming and technology!

Cbeyond Events Virtual City
Gaming Event eSports
Racing VR Simulator

Our Mission

We started Cbeyond to bring exciting experiences to people of all ages. We want to go beyond networking events or trade shots, bringing the most exciting technological adventures to you.

Our Community

Our events are only made possible by our dedicated and innovative community of partners and exhibitors. We're proud to showcase these exciting businesses and organisations at our events.

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